Wednesday, 12 March 2014


São Paulo.. what is said to be Brazils answer to NYC, was a slight anti climes for us.  Its definitely a cool city in places (crochet lamp post covers) but over all is just a bit shit up! 

The carnival has taken its toll on a lot of the country, and some streets look like people have literally Bruce Almighty'd out of their costumes and left them where they fell.. And smell like they left a poo and a wee there also.

A lot of bars and restaurants hadn't opened either, but determined to go owt owt (wasn't going to let the fact we had taken a brush to our hair for the first time in a week go to waste) we went to a rock club until 9am this morn... Making today a mostly eat, sleep, weep day. 

We've met some more peeps from around the globe.. We have a contact in Columbia now, and an offer of somewhere to stay from an Argentinian.. Although I'm not 100% sure he didn't mean in a 'ménage à trois' situation!

So we've seen some cool graffiti and got to use a hair dryer.. But all in all are pretty excited to be going to Florianopolis this eve.. The night bus times, not so much.

We've also decided a Colorado accent is our very least favourite.

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