Monday, 3 March 2014

Hi Rio!

Well 3 days in and I'd say I'm already an avid backpacker
Basically I sleep in a dorm with 10 strangers and shit and shower in a room with a metre square hole right out into the street. Yep!

So Rio is insane! It is amazing and frightening in equal measures. We've been to ridiculous street party's and watched the sexiest pensioners I've ever seen samba, clutched each other's hands as we quite honestly fear for each other's safety, and saw a monkey on a lamp post... on a lamp post!!

Today we went to see Christ the Redeemer, which was massively awesome! We queued for a million hours in scorchio, but I can only describe it the way most people discribe child birth.. horrific until you get there, then you forget all the pain because of how amazing it is. Fucking amazing!

We love, and also hate Rio! Haha! 

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